What happens to your body after eating hot sauce…
Eating hot sauce can produce a variety of physiological reactions, like a tingling (or pain) in the lips, tongue and throat. Other common reactions are sweating, increases in your metabolism and internal body temperature and in, extreme cases – ringing in the ear ...

If you can read this whole article without laughing, there is something wrong with you!!
If you are a long time member of our newsletter family you may remember this story from a long time ago. As it is tax time I thought we could all use another laugh; after all, misery does enjoy company! This is the story of Frank – an inexperienced Chili taster at a ...
Capsaicin Voted Herb of the Year
In 1991, the International Herb Association established National Herb Week to be celebrated every year during the week prior to Mother’s Day. The purpose of National Herb Week is to develop and coordinate national attention on herbs, herbal uses, herb businesses and t ...
Hot Sauce Brand Loyalty
As the son of hot sauce lovers and immigrants from Hungary, I noticed as far back as the 1960s that my parents put Tabasco on absolutely everything. They were longing for the spiciness that was not common in American foods when hot sauce was first starting it’s breech into ...
Resurgence of the slow cooker!
When you think of a slow cooker as a means of meal readiness, do you think of the 1970’s mother standing in front of one with the stereotypical white apron and handkerchief in her hair? Slow cookers have been on countertops and in kitchen pantries for more than 45 years, but ...
Samuel Adams and the Culinary Institute of America Study Correlation Between Hops and Heat
Maybe not specifically with Samuel Adams products but most of us have been preforming this test the majority of our lives. I’ve been doing it for 35 years but it’s nice to see a “formal” study done by culinary experts proving the theory that hops a ...
The Fischer & Weiser Spotlight
Fischer & Weiser’s motto is “from the farm to your family table”, what sauce manufacturer can get any better than that! Fisher & Weiser is dedicated to creating exciting, delicious, and innovative gourmet products with unique flavor combinations to inspire your culin ...
Introducing… The Chipotle Pepper
Pronunciation: The chipotle is pronounced: chee-POHT-lay. A common mispronunciation is when it’s said as bottle but starting with chi (chip-ottle). Chipotle is also pronounced with a strong e at the end (chee-phot-lee). Color: Chipotle peppers are smoked or dried Jalapeno ...
The Ugly Food Movement
There is a food movement in the states that is slowly gaining traction called the “Ugly Food Movement”. In our politically correct world some organizations change the movement name to “inglorious foods”, “wonky foods” or “naturally imperfect foods”. Whichever term is used, ...