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Spicy S’mores

Spicy S’mores


  • 1 (12-ounce) bag semi-sweet chocolate morsels
  • 1 teaspoon Tabanero Hot Sauce
  • 2 tablespoons heavy cream
  • 16 graham crackers squares
  • Kosher salt, as needed
  • Jumbo marshmallows


Fill a small sauce pot halfway with water, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.

Create a double boiler by placing a metal bowl that will fit over the sauce pot without touching the water, and add 2⁄3 of the chocolate morsels to the bowl.

Using a wooden spoon, stir the melting chocolate until it reaches a smooth consistency, just a couple minutes.

Remove the bowl from the double boiler setup, and add remaining chocolate morsels, cream and Tabanero Hot Sauce to the melted chocolate. Stir with the wooden spoon to combine. Taste, and add more hot sauce, if desired.

Cover a baking sheet with a two layers of waxed or parchment paper. Working quickly, dip one side of the graham cracker square into the melted chocolate, using a small spatula or knife to smooth out the chocolate on the cracker, if necessary. Repeat with remaining graham crackers.

Sprinkle sea salt on top of the chocolate-covered graham crackers.

Put the baking sheet into the freezer, and let the chocolate harden for 1 hour. When the chocolate on the graham crackers has hardened, wrap them individually in waxed or parchment paper and place in a Ziploc bag. Store the graham crackers in the refrigerator until ready to use.

When ready to make the s’mores, preheat the broiler. On a foil-lined baking sheet, add marshmallows, and place under the broiler. Cook until marshmallows are toasted, about 1 minute.

Place the toasted marshmallow onto the chocolate-covered graham cracker, and serve.

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