Maker’s Mark Bourbon Gourmet Sauce
As promised, we’re going to explore some BBQ sauces. In the interest of full disclosure, I have to say that I am a fiend when it comes to BBQ, particularly BBQ chicken. As far back as I can remember, whenever a plate of chicken in staring me in the face, I have an uncontroll ...
Uncle Jimi’s Almost World Famous Key Lime and Chipotle BBQ Sauce
Number 11 brings us to a nexus of Key West and BBQ sauce in Uncle Jimi’s Almost World Famous Key Lime Chipotle BBQ Sauce- whew, that’s a mouth full. After my last tasting, the first thing I’m doing here is checking the ingredients- no MSG. Nice. In fact, the only preservativ ...
Daves Adjustable Hot Sauce Saved me from the Amazon
You might think that my last experience with the Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce made me quit, seeing as how it’s been a while since my last diary. I am happy to report that’s not the case. You see, I went to the Amazon in search of a new and elusive pepper variety and was abducted b ...
Hot Sauce Diaries: Satan’s Ghost
I’m not so sure I’m ready for number 8. Perhaps with the hurricane making its way through Key West, Pete and the folks at Peppers think I should share in some pain, so we’re going with Satan’s Ghost Hot Sauce. I suspect the latter part of the name is well justified. The good ...
Hot Sauce Diaries: Crazy Jerry’s Mustard Gas
Lucky Number 7 for the HSD. We’re going with a mustard sauce for this one. Crazy Jerry’s Mustard Gas to be specific. The first thing about this sauce that is very cool is the bottle. It comes in a little metal bottle with some great graphics of a scared looking man in a gas ...
Hot Sauce Diaries: Green Lava Hot Sauce
Hot Sauce Diaries numero seis. Today, we’re eating one of the best sellers at Peppers: Green Lava Hot Sauce from Catch a Fire. I always hear people talking about how good this stuff is, so I’m really looking forward to seeing if the all the hype is true. For the most part, t ...
Hot and Spicy Peanut Butter
Number 5 for the diaries. Pete is sending me a big box o’heat, so I’m looking forward to trying some new stuff. In the meantime, we’re going with one that really interests me. I have a love-hate relationship with peanut butter. I love it when it’s used well, but hate it when ...
Hog’s Ass Garlic Habanero Hot Sauce
Here we are at #4 in the Hot Sauce Diaries. I feel like a chimpanzee shoved a flame thrower down my throat and beat me with a branch. Why? Because I ate a lot of Hog’s Ass Garlic Habanero Hot Sauce. As I said from the get go, I promise to be honest about the sauces I eat for ...
Rising Sun Apple Cinnamon Chipotle Hot Sauce
#3 brings us to Rising Sun Cinnamon Chipotle Hot Sauce from Rising Sun Pepper Farm. I expected this to be a mild sauce, after all it is an apple based sauce and uses chipotle as the name implies. With a review of the ingredients, I saw that the first ingredient is indeed app ...
Crazy Jerry’s Habanero Stuffed Olives
Here we are with #2, Crazy Jerry’s Habanero Stuffed Olives. My initial thought is that these are going to be good. I like olives, particularly Spanish and Kalamata, and particularly in a really dirty (as in pour a quarter of the liquid from a jar) martini. The guys at ...