Welcome to the Hot Sauce Diaries
Welcome to “The Hot Sauce Diaries.” Introductions and an explanation of “The Hot Sauce Diaries” are probably in order to get things started. First, “The Hot Sauce Diaries” is a fun way for us here at Peppers to entertain and inform our chiliheads. We wanted a way to give people a different way of learning about hot sauces and products. That is, other than just a 1-10 rating and a description. Since the folks that work in our store eat this stuff day in and day out, for the most part, they’re accustomed to the heat (read: their taste buds are fried). So, I was “volunteered” to be the guy who would work my way through all of the products in the store and tell people what I think.
Other than the designated eater, you are probably wondering what my qualifications are. Well, I don’t have any. I think that’s what makes this sound like so much fun for Pete and the crew at Peppers. I work for Pete, but not in Key West, so I am not exposed to this stuff everyday. Like so many other people out there, I like spicy food, but the list of different hot sauces and pepper products I’ve tried is really pretty short. So, I get the great, not so great, and painful and you get the average guy’s take on things.
My mission is pretty simple, eat stuff and tell you about it. That would probably be pretty boring except for the fact that it’s hot sauce that I’m eating. Everyone has different tastes, so I will absolutely guarantee you that I won’t like everything in the store. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you that too. Who knows, you may love an ingredient that I think is horrible and me telling you that there’s so much of it I needed my stomach pumped may make you want to try it. Chiliheads are a strange breed after all. I’ll try to keep it light and I’m sure the hotter sauces will be “fun.” At some point, I guess I’ll have earned my stripes and get the badge or t-shirt as a bonafide Chilihead.
I’ll rate each sauce’s heat level, taste, ingredients, etc. My scale will be 1-10 as well, but let’s get something out there right now. You know the “sauces” Pete sells that he rates as a 10? Yeah, well chances are really, really good that I’m not going to eat that stuff. I’m all for sacrificing for the team, but let’s be real- that stuff is beyond crazy. So, my 10 is, in all honesty, yet to be found. I suspect it will be somewhere in the upper “Extreme” or maybe even a lower “Weapons Grade,” but I just don’t know yet. My goal is to call a “10” that which I would actually eat and enjoy and not just use to amuse myself when friends come over.
We hope you enjoy this along with us and feel free to share your own experiences with the hot sauces- recipes would be great too, as I will soon have a closet full of sauces and will need things to do with them!
Tags: Hot Sauce hot sauce diaries
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